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08 - 28/06/2015

The origins of Dzielnico date back to winter 2013 when, on Aga Chlebowska’s initiative, a new place: szm21/pracownia was created in a tenement house in Jeżyce. Its first administrators were a group of children who lived there. Soon after, the whole district was invited to the studio, with the cry: DZIELNICO [District]! As Spring 2014 approached, thanks to the co-operation with Generator Malta, the initiative revived a deserted kiosk which was to become the stronghold of spontaneous actions and became a regular place of meetings between neighbours, co-operation and exchange of ideas. Now, Dzielnico is active thanks to the involvement of boys and girls who created szm21/pracownia.

Together with them, Dzielnico is coordinated and devised by: Ela Niewiadomska, Katarzyna Wąsowska, Karol Kołodziejczyk, Dominika Szelążek. They are supported by Generator Malta and Centrum Amarant.