A plot between two tenement houses which not so long ago was used as an illegal dumping site. Thanks to the joint work of the inhabitants, activists and botanists, now it is dominated by plants. Sun-exposed part of the garden is filled with Mediterranean species, at the gutter end there is a retention niche and there are blooming plants in flower pots which are looked after by children from a nearby school. Senior citizens can rest there on renovated city benches, while young Wilda residents creatively explore the slide constructed together and a donated small house. Regular meetings, concerts, garden and cycling workshops teach the habit of looking after the common space.
Co-organisers: inhabitants, Wildecka Inicjatywa Lokalna Wildzianie [Wildzianie Wilda Local Initiative], Stowarzyszenie Kasztelania Ostrowska [Kasztelania Ostrowska Association], Zespół Szkół z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi i Specjalnymi nr 2 w Poznaniu [Second School Complex with Integrated and Special classes in Poznań] , Pracownia Godny [Godny Studio], Sklep z cytatami [Shop with quotations], Generator Malta.