Kathrine is 16, has depression and suicidal thoughts. He mother died a few years ago, her father works too much to confront his daughter. A fight takes place in her head: “Happiness” is afraid of others; “Sadness” and “Anger” want to take control over her thoughts, and “Madness” and “Fear” are ready to unite to destroy everything. The girl has to cope with her emotions by herself. How to do it? Will she manage?
BETWEEN ME AND YOU / Zespół Szkół im. Królowej Jadwigi
Who are we? Where do we come from? Why is there evil in the world? These questions were the inspiration for the young people from the group Teatrynek. Their performance presents a vision of a new beginning – a reviving Earth. However, the idyll on the new Earth does not last long. Man, a captive of his own emotions, leads the world to downfall, where chaos and destruction begin to dominate once again. Loneliness, a lack of love and peace, hatred and indifference, all make the world dark and gloomy.
TRADING PLACES / British International School of Cracow
Markets exist all over the world. They seem to belong to a specific place, but people and the goods they sell come from various areas. Additionally, everyone brings to the market their own world built of different ambitions, anger, sadness and hope. The hidden stories of buyers and sellers create a unique, lively atmosphere. Let us celebrate it!