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08 - 28/06/2015

photo: Maciej Zakrzewski
Galleryphoto: Maciej Zakrzewski
  • An open, multi-sensory, changing space created at Wolności Square [Liberty Square] with the youngest children and their parents in mind. It will be an excuse to discover oneself, experience freedom and trigger imagination. A bunch of toys, a basket of outfits, not only ball gowns, a nook with fairytales, a space where you can act freely, or eye blinkers is all we need. All of it will be topped up by the presence of an animator and elements designed by the students of School of Form in collaboration with Instytut Małego Dziecka im. Astrid Lindgren [Astrid Lindgren Young Child Institute].

    design: students of School of Form
    professional consultation: Instytut Małego Dziecka im. Astrid Lindgren